When chrysocolla has been thus dyed, painters call it "orobitis," and distinguish two kinds of it, the cleansed[1] orobitis,[2]
which is kept for making lomentum,[3] and the liquid, the balls
being dissolved for use by evaporation.[4] Both these kinds
are prepared in Cyprus,[5] but the most esteemed is that made
in Armenia, the next best being that of Macedonia: it is Spain,
however, that produces the most. The great point of its excellence
consists in its producing exactly the tint of corn when
in a state of the freshest verdure.[6] Before now, we have seen,
at the spectacles exhibited by the Emperor Nero, the arena of
the Circus entirely sanded with chrysocolla, when the prince
himself, clad in a dress of the same colour, was about to exhibit
as a charioteer.[7]
The unlearned multitude of artisans distinguish three
kinds of chrysocolla; the rough chrysocolla, which is valued
at seven denarii per pound; the middling, worth five denarii;
and the bruised, also known as the "herbaceous" chrysocolla,
worth three denarii per pound. Before laying on the
sanded[8] chrysocolla, they underlay coats of atramentum[9]
and parætonium,[10] substances which make it hold, and impart
a softness to the colours. The parætonium, as it is
naturally very unctuous, and, from its smoothness, extremely
tenacious, is laid on first, and is then covered with a coat of
atramentum, lest the parætonium, from its extreme whiteness,
should impart a paleness to the chrysocolla. The kind known
as "lutea," derives its name, it is thought, from the plant
called "lutum;" which itself is often pounded with cæruleum[11] instead of real chrysocolla, and used for painting,
making a very inferior kind of green and extremely deceptive.[12]
1. "Elutam." Though this is the reading given by the Bamberg MS.,
"luteam" seems preferable; a name owing, probably, to its being coloured
with the plant "lutum," as mentioned at the end of this Chapter.
2. So called, probably, from being made up into little balls resembling
the "orobus" or vetch.
3. A powder, probably, prepared from "cæruleum." See the end of the
present Chapter, and Chapter 57 of this Book. Littré renders the words
"in lomentum," kept "in the form of power," without reference to the
peculiar pigment known as "lomentum."
4. "Sudore resolutis."
5. A strong proof that chrysocolla was a preparation from copper, and
not cobalt. Copper owes its name to the Isle of Cyprus, in which it was
found in great abundance. See Beckmann's Hist. Inv. Vol. II. p. 480.
Bohn's Edition.
6. The colour now known by painters as Emerald green.
7. As a "trigarius." See B. xxviii. c. 72, and B. xxix. c. 5. From
Suetonius, c. 18, we learn that the Emperor Caligula, also, had the Circus
sanded with minium and chrysocolla. Ajasson is of opinion that the
chrysocolla thus employed was a kind of yellow mica or talc.
8. "Arenosam." He alludes, probably, to the kind previously mentioned
as "aspera" or "rough chrysocolla."
9. For its identification, see B. xxxiv. cc. 26, 32.
10. See B. xxxv. cc. 12, 18.
11. Making a spurious kind of "lomentum," possibly, a pigment mentioned
in c. 57 of this Book. This passage seems to throw some light.
upon the words "in lomentum," commented upon in Note 81 above.
12. As to durability, probably.